Tag Archives: running room

Buying Your Own Shoes

18 Oct

So you’ve already listened to me go on at length about shoes of races past and those bitching new ones I bought (I mean, how can you not love the neon), but you may be wondering if you’re wearing the right shoes or how to make sure the next pair you buy are going to do ya good.

I’m here to impart my wisdom.

Admittedly, I’ve only bought two pairs of runners in my years as a, perhaps improperly proud, slow runner. But I read a lot about running and I’ve gathered a few tips that I’ve personally found helpful.

1. First off, this aint about looks y’all.

My last pair of runners. Smelled kinda weird when it rained.

Sometimes runners are ugly. Sometimes they come in barf green. Sometimes this may be the best shoe for you. So put looks out of your mind and focus on the pair that will help you run safely and comfortably.

2. Know what style of shoe you need.

Did you know there’s such a thing as pronation, and the degree to which you naturally pronate can affect your running style and proneness to injury?

What exactly is pronation you ask? Is it a dirty word, because it kind of sounds like it? Alas, not today folks. Pronation is how your foot rolls inward when it hits the ground. Basically, you can under, over, or just pronate enough. Over means that your foot rolls too much inward, and under means that it doesn’t roll enough.

“Wtf Margaret”, you yell, “how am I supposed to know the degree to which my damn foot rolls when I run? I can barely tell if my feet hit the ground at all.” And to that I say, first, stop with the drugs, and second… go see an expert. That’s my expert advice. These guys and gals at them fancy running stores know their shit. They can tell just by looking at your shoe or the way you walk what kind of shoe you need. So go ask them.

If you find out you overpronate, you’ll need to look into stabilizing shoes. Underpronators will want cushioning shoes. And just-enoughers will look at neutral shoes. This is mostly helpful if you’re shopping online; otherwise the guys at the running store will tell you which shoes to focus on.

3. Don’t buy any old shoe you dumbass!

Speak up if something does feel right. Your new shoe needs to feel perfect when you’re just walking around the store, because anything that bugs you now will KILL you when you run any sort of distance. Don’t go along with what the sales guy says or your friend or your mom or that judgmental guy who looks like he runs a lot and maybe he’s looking down at you or maybe he smells something weird? Speak up now is all I’m saying.

"Oh you ran that race in 2:05? I ran it in 2:04."

4. Invest.

Straight-up. Spend good money, or risk spending a huge dump of money on physio to recover from that injury of yours. I spent $140 on my new shoes and I expected to pay more. Just do it.

5. Finally, it is about looks everyone! Neon! Pink! Gotta love it.

That’s my expert advice you guys! I hope it helps. For the record, I’m a just-enougher with narrow heels. So I need a neutral shoe with high heels in the back so I don’t rub the skin to the bone. Happened before (okay not really but there was some blood).

Oh, and don’t wear cotton socks if you’re running far. Just don’t. Blisters… oh god the blisters.